What a unique & awesome time this is in our society, for anyone and everyone to explore faith and look for ways to connect with others! Little did any of us know, 1 year ago, that we would experience so much upheaval in our daily routines and in our world at large. And so, as each of us continues to wade through these unfamiliar waters, the people of West Zion Lutheran Church would love to have you explore your faith alongside us, and perhaps find ways to develop some connections with one another. Here are a couple of simple ways you can check out our current ministries. Of course these will continue to transform as the social landscape around us evolves throughout the rest of this year…..
> Live in person service at West Zion currently at 10:00am every other Sunday.
>Our Live Stream Worship services each Sunday morning: from West Zion at 10:00am on Facebook and our YouTube channel; from East Zion at 11:00am on Facebook. Livestreaming on Facebook is on the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Facebook page.
>We have also developed a daily Phone Devotion Ministry, in which people can call the church office and by 10am each day a new voice message has been recorded which includes a brief prayer, or a passage of scripture. We have found this to be a wonderful, low-tech way for many people to be uplifted throughout the day. The office phone # is: 320-239-2430.
>Monday-Friday, we also Live Stream a “Daily Prayer Moment.” This is hosted by Pr. Steve, using short prayers, scripture, music and images to create a 3-5 minute opportunity for connecting with God at any time, day or night!